If there was ever any doubt about Falling in Reverse’s grip on the scene, it got crushed the second they took to the stage.
It’s been nearly a decade since the American rock band last headlined in Australia. Judging by the packed-out crowd inside the arena, the visit was long overdue.
The night started with a bit of classic Aussie worship namwely AC/DC’s ‘Highway to Hell’. The song blared through the speakers before the band launched into ‘Prequel.’ From there, it was a mix of old and new, each track landing like a gut punch. ‘Zombified’ had the crowd screaming along, ‘I’m Not a Vampire’ gave the older fans something to sink their teeth into. Later ‘Fuck You and All Your Friends’ came with the kind of cathartic aggression that has always been part of Falling in Reverse’s DNA.

Ronnie Radke, as always, was impossible to ignore. Whether he was stalking the stage or locking in on the front row with that signature glare, he commanded every second of it. Love him or hate him, the guy knows how to work a crowd. His vocals were sharp, switching between clean hooks and guttural screams without missing a beat. The band behind him held everything down with machine-like precision.
By the time they hit ‘Popular Monster,’ the place was quite literally shaking. This is a band that thrives on tension. When that breakdown hit, it felt like the whole arena let go at once. ‘Voices in My Head’ and ‘Watch the World Burn’ carried the same weight, proving that their newer material is just as explosive as the early stuff.

Then came the curveball—closing the night with Queen’s ‘We Are the Champions.’ It was equal parts cocky and ironic, which, let’s be real, is exactly on brand for Radke. Maybe it was a victory lap, maybe it was a piss-take. Regardless, the crowd belted it out like their lives depended on it.
As I left the arena, I couldn’t help but think about how Falling in Reverse really don’t do anything by halves. They came back to Australia with something to prove, and if the chaos inside Qudos Bank Arena was anything to go by, they certainly did.
The full gallery from the performance can be viewed here or below.