Gene Simmons has lived a truly storied life that has seen him wear many hats. He’s a rock legend, businessman and reality TV star. Weatherman was not one of those hats I expected to see. Until I did.
The KISS bassist made a surprise appearance on Los Angeles news station Fox 11, where he hijacked the weather segment with KISS references, an impromptu rap, and, for some reason, a tap dance. Because why not?
Meteorologist Adam Krueger kicked off the segment by working KISS lyrics into the forecast. “There’s been a lot of rain lately, and the rain you drive us wild, we’ll drive you crazy talking about this rain,” he said, nodding to ‘Rock and Roll All Nite’. Simmons, never one to miss an opportunity for self-congratulation, shot back: “Hey, I wrote that. I like that.”
As the segment wrapped, Krueger gave Simmons the cue to “wrap,” which the bassist interpreted as a request for an actual rap. He delivered a freestyle that included the groundbreaking line, “If you go to 7/11, go to heaven,” before throwing in some tap dancing for good measure. The studio crew lost it, and Simmons—who probably hasn’t been told “no” in decades—just kept going.
This isn’t the first time Simmons has dabbled in, let’s say, unusual side gigs. He recently auctioned off the chance for a fan to be his “personal assistant and band roadie” for a day. For the low, low price of $12,495 USD (plus the cost of an actual concert ticket), you can help lug Simmons’ gear, set up the stage, sit in on soundcheck, and hang out backstage. At least he’s throwing in a used bass as a souvenir.
If this weather segment proves anything, it’s that Simmons is fully committed to whatever he does. Whether it’s fronting KISS, selling absurd VIP packages, or attempting to rap about convenience stores. Whatever’s next, we’ll probably hear about it, because if there’s one thing Gene Simmons loves more than money, it’s making sure the world never stops talking about Gene Simmons.