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Powerviolence trio Speech Odd spit in the face of oppression with ‘Control’


If Punk is the language of resistance, then powerviolence is its sternest tone.

Not to be deployed lightly, Powerviolence tends to be for dire situations, ones that won’t benefit from a gentle nudge, but require sheer destruction by way of blunt force trauma – situations like those faced by Thailand’s powerviolence trio Speech Odd who in a very short space of time have let it be known they aren’t here to play gentle.

Last week, Speech Odd shook the earth with the release of their new single ‘Control’, a blistering, bone-breaking track that maims, hacks and slashes throughout its two-odd-minute run time. ‘Control’ is an uncomfortable list, by design, not on account of it’s angular, jagged songbed, but the subject matter which it approaches which features a message of urgency to tactile, it transcends any language barrier given the song is originally song in Thai to ensure it resonates first and foremost with its immediate audience.

“This song is the story of despair and resentment towards the dictatorship that oppresses people.” Speech Odd explained to BLUNT about the story behind ‘Control. “[The dictatorship] is still alive, even through elections by using unfair methods. That is a story that we present with ‘Control’. The cover art was drawn by Speech Odd’s singer Pam, inspired by Nuamthong Praiwan, who sacrificed his life to resist the dictatorship.”

Praiwan was a taxi driver who in 2006 drove his vehicle directly into a tank as a protest against the 2006 military coup. Praiwan survived the crash, but was later found hanging from a pedestrian footbridge.

The youth of Thailand continue to struggle against the oppressive regime, with no guarantees other than things only becoming more dangerous. Protests have become an everyday part of life in Thailand as the government continues to crack down on those who speak out. Making matters more complicated is Thailand’s infamous Article 112, which sees anyone who speaks out about the countries monarchy facing three to fifteen years in prison. In the past two years alone, over 120 Thai citizens have been charged with lese majeste – one for 43 years.

Considering the risks taken to tell the story of ‘Control’, and the targets now on their back for doing so, we absolutely owe it to Speech Odd to hear what they have to say. Per our comrades at Unite Asia, Speech Odd have flagged October 2022 as the tentative release date of the EP, and is expected to be jam-packed with around 9 songs alongside ‘Control’ – each as volatile and important as the last.

If you like what you hear, you can sink your teeth into the bands erstwhile 4 track EP, DEMO 2022 which can be found on Bandcamp.